Unlock Total Cranarchy Multi-Use Balm

Unlock Total Cranarchy Multi-Use Balm

You may have noticed that our multi-tasking skincare products look and feel different than single-purpose skincare products. That's because we're doing a whole lot at once, and after you embrace the learning curve, you'll be able to unlock your skin's greatest potential!
Today, we're looking at Total Cranarchy Multi-Use Balm, which is our over-achieving, full-body moisturizer. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your Total Cranarchy experience:
1. Use tiny amounts: Creams, lotions, and serums are heavily diluted with water, so we're used to applying gobs and gobs of product to the skin. But Total Cranarchy is not a cream and it's not a serum; it's an oil-based balm, which means it behaves like a dry oil. If you were to apply a luxury oil on the skin, you would only use a few drops at a time, right? Same with Total Cranarchy - just a lil' smidge will suffice for face, hands, scalp, and body.
2. Ditch the other products and Use Total Cranarchy by itself: We know, you worked hard to build up your skincare collection of broken promises, but layering other products with Total Cranarchy may result in piling or heaviness. The beauty of Total Cranarchy is that it works best by itself. Its luxurious texture softens the skin while all of the potent extracts instantly go to work by increasing skin cell renewal, eradicating irritation, and providing a radiant glow. You truly don't need anything else.
3. Apply at night for oily skin: Total Cranarchy has a lovely dry oil texture that absorbs quickly, but if you're worried that it's still too much, then apply only at night after washing your face. Contrary to popular practice, drying out oily skin with constant cleansing will only cause the skin to overcompensate with more oil production. A quality balm like Total Cranarchy will signal that your skin is deeply moisturized, and, over time, it will help calm excessive oil production. When you wake up, your skin will feel hydrated and baby soft. Skip a second morning cleansing - you'll only need to splash your face with water before charging out the door!
4. Apply to scalp the night before you shampoo: If you suffer from an itchy or flakey scalp, Total Cranarchy will be a soothing miracle treatment. Apply a small amount to your fingertips and, if necessary, flip your hair over so it's easier to reach the scalp. Spend a few minutes massaging the scalp, which increases blood flow and stimulates the hair follicles. The green tea extract in Total Cranarchy also helps to decrease hair shedding. Let it soak in overnight and then shampoo the following morning.
5. Give your skin time to adjust: Whether you've used too much skincare or not enough, there is ALWAYS an adjustment period to any change in your skincare routine. This is due to the skin bacteria populations shifting as they respond to the new product. Total Cranarchy is an incredibly active product that regulates the skin microbiome, so you may need a little time to adjust. If this concerns you, try applying only at night to start and simply splash your face with water the following morning (no need to wash again!). In other words, start small and slowly work your way up to more.
Remember that your skin isn't dirty clothing to be bleached and scrubbed - it's a living organ, and a sensitive one at that! It responds to its internal and external environment. Less is more and quality beats quantity every time. By replacing a complicated skincare routine (full of irritants, fragrances, and preservatives) with just ONE high quality moisturizer, you will be amazed to see your skin thank you with its glowing gratitude!
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